Propose a Project

Every Fall, MTM students dive into a variety of capstone projects, with teams of students collaborating with a sponsor to take healthcare innovation from early concept toward clinical use. 

We solicit project ideas annually for review (see timeline below). Projects can be a therapeutic (drug or biologic), a medical device, an in-vitro diagnostic or a combination device. 

Projects focus on multiple aspects of the medical translation process, including technical development, prototyping, examination of the intellectual property landscape, market scoping, and business case development.

Teams involve 3-4 students with backgrounds ranging from bioengineering and molecular biology to clinical training as RNs or MDs. 

I’m interested. What is the next step?

Project Proposal Timeline:

January-March: Submit preliminary project ideas/titles.
April-May: Finalize your capstone proposals internally at your organization.
May-June: Submit final capstone project proposals
July: Final capstone projects shared with students.
August: Capstone project pitches and team matching
September: Teams finalize, and projects launch!

How to Propose a Strong Capstone Project for MTM

The most successful capstone project proposals address present-day medical challenges and have technical/engineering content as well as initial proof of concept that makes it worthwhile to examine a path to clinical use and commercialization.