Instruction Team

Students in the Master of Translational Medicine program not only learn from top faculty conducting cutting edge research at UC Berkeley and UCSF, but also seasoned industry professionals and innovators.


Johney Han, BS, JD

UCSF BioE 296: MTM Capstone Project


Nada Hanafi, Msc, MPH

UCSF BioE 296: MTM Capstone Project


Hanmin Lee, MD

UCSF BioE 280: What, Why, and How of Medical Devices by Clinicians


Rebecca Lin, MS

UCSF BioE 296: MTM Capstone Project


Joanne Spetz, PhD

UCSF BioE 285: Health Care Finance & Economics

Casey Tompkins-Rhoades, BS, MD

UCSF BioE 280: What, Why, and How of Medical Devices by Clinicians